
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Student Christmas Gifts on a tight budget

I wish I would have posted this sooner, but I am such a big procrastinator.  I was doing some last minute shopping last night at Wal-Mart looking around to see what I can buy for 36 of my students.  I didn't want to get them anything too cheap, but getting even two dollar gifts really would make a dent on my budget.  So I was wandering around the store and I see a pack of 15 foam rectangles for one dollar and tried super hard to get my creative juices flowing.  I was determined to try to make something out of this and thought of making a small clipboard with Post-Its that they can keep in their desk and use during Writing and Reading Workshops.  I bought some Puffy Paint 0.99 cents each, some binder clips 12 for $1.00 and Voila, some hand made Christmas gift for students that are super inexpensive.  Here are some pictures

1 comment:

  1. Good idea! Since I only teach writing, I will try making these for my 5th graders.
