
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rock Star Theme 2011-2012

Just here reflecting on this last year of teaching.  I came upon these pictures of when I was setting up my classroom for the 2011-2012 school year.  I wish I would have taken more pictures at the end of the year to see the beginning and the end.  I will do that this year for sure.  I had a Rock Star Theme and I loved it.  I'll post more pics if I find any.

I used plastic table clothes as a background for the plain white walls.  This is where I posted my anchor charts for reading.   
The purple bulletin board became my Data Board and my objectives were posted on a Thinking Map.  

On the map titled "World Tour"  I would post with a colored thumb tack places mentioned in books we were reading.
Half of my reading library is shown here.

I posted my Alma Mater right outside my room!!  NMSU Aggies!!!  Focus my students on being college ready!



  1. What a cute theme! This may seem random, but I love the color of your mini blinds. (Better than boring off white!) Using plastic table cloths is so cheap and easy. They look great!


    1. You know something very funny is that I just never even noticed the mini blinds. You are right about them being better than off white.
